
This job aid provides instructions in an easy-to-follow format to properly train employees on the department mail procedure.

Problem and Solution:

PayorNavgation needed a procedure to retrain existing employees and train new hires on the proper way to sort mail. Before the created job aid, delivered mail was not sorted timely, causing time-sensitive mail to be overlooked.

I suggested the creation of a job aid that would walk new and old employees through the mail procedure and eliminate errors while still delivering the needed results. I designed and developed a job aid that takes the guesswork out of how to complete the task.


The SME walked me through the different types of mail the department received and the process of sorting mail. I was able to ask questions to define the process. The SME discussed the importance of completing this task and how the company benefits when time-sensitive mail is processed timely.

I created a prototype of a job aid walking employees through the proper steps of sorting mail. After submitting the prototype to SME, I used the feedback given to create a more polished job aid giving it a more professional look.


Creating this job aid allowed me to use the coaching and feedback I received from my previous job aid (Red Flag Protocol) to create a clean and sleek prototype. After receiving feedback on the prototype, I could see the progression I have made as I continue to sharpen my skills. This job aid allows employees to sort mail correctly while updating the system on time-sensitive information. This job aid assists workers in getting the required information needed to approve Medicaid Apps, saving the company from bad debt.